Prepaid Tuition Plans
$123 billion for K-12 schools to be distributed through the federal Title I formula for funding schools and districts with concentrated poverty. The K-12 dollars will be focused on helping schools reopen and helping students catch up on learning they have missed during the pandemic. Districts must spend at least 20 percent of the money addressing learning loss and must make public a plan for returning to in-person schooling safely. Another $2.75 billion is allotted for private K-12 schools, bringing the total to about $126 billion. Inadequate school funding has a disproportionate impact on low-income students and high-poverty schools. 14% of 4th graders at poor schools were at or above proficient in reading and 17% at math while in low poverty schools, Best aesthetic clinic Singapore more than twice as many were at proficiency or above in reading and 60% were for math. Additionally, graduation rates for high poverty schools are 68% compared to 91% for other schools, then the r...